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DNS.PT joins the social responsibility project of IGAC "Show Unknown Authors"

DNS.PT joins the social responsibility project of IGAC "Show Unknown Authors"

DNS.PT joins the social responsibility project of IGAC "Show Unknown Authors"
DNS.PT joins the social responsibility project of IGAC "Show Unknown Authors"

Sharing many of thesocial concerns that IGAC and carrying out its mission, the DNS.PT Associationjoined the project "Exhibition of Unknown Authors" as a premiumpartner, ensuring the 1st award to each of the four categories in the competition,through the iPad's offering, and offering each participant a book about thehistory of the Internet and a voucher "3in1", which is a package withthree free services during twelve months:.pt domain, tool for creating awebsite and respective hosting, email address. The DNS.PT was also essential inthe design of graphical image of the event as well as in the construction andlaunch of the initiative support site, this in partnership with one of its mostimportant registrars, the PTisp.

The contest "ShowUnknown Authors", a social responsibility project sponsored by the GeneralInspection of Cultural Activities (IGAC), challenges women and men (aged 16 andover) living creators, or framed in support functions in urban areas disadvantaged,to show their works and talents.